Monday, January 12, 2009

all the pretty horsies...

So, now that P and I have a functioning computer, I can put more posts with pictures up. Given that opportunity, the very first real picture laden post should be about my horses. Well, my horse and my sister's.

This is Cinnamon. Cinammon is the only horse that has ever thrown me. He used to be my sister's and I still think of him as one of mine even though we're not really paying for him anymore. He has hated me since day one...always was fine for my sister, but would walk up behind me and take a bite just for kicks. He's a non-gaited Tennessee Walker.

This is the barn at my parents house where the horses live. The parents dont live there anymore, but the people that moved in are friends of the family. They bought Cinnamon and let me board Colors there for a minimal price.

This is my big dopey sweetheart Colors. He's an American Saddlebred and he's the best horse ever. I got him when I was 14. The day we went out to see him, I rode him for a while and then stood and brushed him while my parents talked to the owner. Colors laid his head down on my shoulder and fell asleep. It was a done deal. He always greets me by blowing down his nostrils at me. :-) It's horse speak for Hey there friend.

Colors' friend is Mackie. We got him when my sister was too young to ride, and Colors needed a friend. I couldn't get a really good picture of him because he doesn't like the camera. He's super furry right now and he's a recovering laminitis patient (from before we got him). He's got all kinds of problems, he has allergies, curved hooves and he's fat. However...he's a dollface and a sweet old man.

SOOO those are my babies... I wish that they could be in Columbus with me. I think I found a place to pasture board Colors that's not TERRIBLE....but, we'll see. I'm going to see how things go this winter and see about maybe moving him in the fall. *fingers crossed*


Heather said...

awwwwww! i love them! i hope the place in columbus works out. i'm sure it would make you happy to have him closer.

and i've already been thrown once. i wonder how many more are in my future... (i hope none. i still hurt).

Donn24g said...

awwww wow!!! I love them, too!!! Those sure are beautiful horses, i know why you miss them!!!

I hope that place in Columbus works out!!

Lump said...

awww beautiful!


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