Tuesday, May 26, 2009

fields gardens and beaches

summer sun and grubby knees
send me straight back to my childhood
there's a certain peace to be found
sitting in the dirt
with grass tickling your legs
and the smell of healthy salty sweat
mingling with the fresh sweet breeze
makes me remember being small
and thinking that life didn't get better than
that minute right there
it got better each year
but it gets perfect sitting in the dirt
in the summer sun
with grubby knees.

1 comment:

Donn24g said...

Thanks for the comment, i guess i was in a bitter mood... ill have to find time today to post so i can move it down. But basically what i meant with that $60k was exactly what you thought, tax debt. When our goverment taxes out the loan the tax payers bare the burden. Nothing complex really. And i try not to consider myself a politcal person either; even though i do lean left on some social and human rights issues too;-) I find the past two elections i've been voting by fiscal policy because it seems the most logical to me.

And random question, you have had the cuttest layouts recently and I have no idea how to change my blog. Is it simple?

Hope it's not rainy where you are:)


Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. Princess Diana

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