Clearly it's a rollicking wild evening in the Ominous house hold.
I have been largely absent from the blogging world because I typically blog on my lunch break at work, and pretty much since the last time I've blogged I've been working through lunch or not getting lunch at all. Our office is so incredibly busy this summer. Orientation about wore us into the ground. We processed nearly 20% of OSU's first year students through our office in the last 2 months. That breaks down to roughly 200 students per advisor plus all our other students who are sophomores, transfer students and international students. Soooo much talking. At the end of the day I don't even want to think in complete sentences let alone type anything!
Since I've been absent from blogging, I have done a little more than just wokr, I went to Lousiana to visit my friend "chuck". Her husband Lt.Baby is currently in Iraq w/the Army National Guard and she lives in this house that was built in the 1800s with Lt. Baby's father who is pretty much wheel chair bound. Her family is all in the Natti (shout out to Serendipitous) and can't visit right now so I went to go hango out for a long weekend and help her get some stuff done that she couldn't do alone. Lt.Baby's family is down there, but sadly though they clearly love Chuck, they the situation sometimes. You see Baby's mother died about 3 years ago and the family is very reluctant to change anything. Chuck lived in the house for nearly 2 years before she even felt comfortable putting some of her own wedding dishes in the cupboards. Prior to that they had just been using the mom's. I totally totally get respecting those who have passed away and sentimental value, but at the same time I don't think that I would ever feel at home without having any of my personal belongings spread around and all of Chuck's is STILL in storage because there's simply just not enough room in the house for everything. SO while I was in Natchitoches (Nack Uh Dish) I helped her clean out and empty the sun room of most of the boxed items that could go in the attic and shed and turned it into a liveable room she can eat in and study in rather than use as storage for the mom's stuff. We also cleaned, and cleaned, and cleaned. We snuck in some shopping and definitely went out to eat and one night had dairy queen blizzards for dinner like we used to in college. It was fun. I really missed hanging out wiht her alot. We haven't really had the chance to spend a long period of time together in years. It's fun how we just kind of fell back into our old patterns of talking and doing things together. Friendships like that are kind of like your most favorite pair of worn in can not wear them for a year, and slip them back on and not have to worry about blisters. One of the things I most appreciate about Chuck is that she puts the same amount of effort into our friendship that I put into it. She will always reach out to try to stay in touch whether it's throughe emails, cards, texts or phone calls. It's an equal friendship if that makes sense?
I feel bad for her because she's in a really difficult situation down there...she gave up SO much to move to Natchitoches. Her career...being close to her family...everything and as is typical in her life, she is getting taken for granted frequently. She is one of those people who is just constantly underappreciated and even sometimes laughed at because she's different. But really she's a fantastic friend and an even better person. I hope that things start getting better for her when Lt. Baby gets home in December.
I'm sure we all know someone like that..that WE feel is just amazing and want life to be better for. Hanging out with her for a few days has renewed my determination to make sure that the people in my life know how much I appreciate their presence whether it's letting people at work know that I recognize what they're doing to help our "team" or my husband to let him know how very much I adore him every day or my friends to let them know how big a part of my life they are.
2 way friendships
bomb pops-- i love popsicles
FOOTBALL SEASON IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!