Thursday, November 20, 2008


Yesterday was the last class for my Wednesday sections. Thank goodness, two down, 3 more to go!

I noticed yesterday though, that I did a much better job learning the male students names than I did with the female students. I thought about that for a while and this is the conclusion that I came to. The men...look significantly different from eachother. The women...they tend to wear the same styles, have the same hair colors, same make up etc. The young women whose names I did get to know, are the ones that either fall outside the norm (the emo-girl, the girl with the lip piercing, the one who dyed her hair pink)or they are the ones that made an effort to come in to see me and let me know who they were.

I feel bad for not being able to separate out blonde girl number one from blonde girl number two. And I definitely don't mean that they SHOULDN'T dress how they are, or wear their hair the way they do....It's just interesting to me that in a class of 175 people, so many of them look similar enough that I can't remember which is which.

I know there's fashion fads and trends, there are classes on that here :-) But, when is it too much? When everyone's starting to look like Carrie Underwood? I didn't pick her name randomly...she's got the same kind of "look" that alot of my female students have. Interesting how we pick our styles to define ourselves...and then inadvertently define an entire class of women.

ramble ramble rah.

1 comment:

Lump said...

for awhile there everyone was looking like posh spice. ;)


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