Oh the freshmen are SO freaking adorable!!!!! I absolutely adore them. The are all wandering around campus with folded up and dog eared campus maps that they try to hide in the palms of their hands JUST IN CASE any upperclassmen might see them and give them grief. You can see the kids that are 'too cool for school' (my 830 a.m. class is like that) and then you have the kids that are just so very very very excited to be there (my 330 class is like that.) Now granted, the 330 class could just be a little more awake, but it seemed to go much much better. Also, the computer in my classroom for my 330 class did not eat my disk like the CD drive in the 830 class did. I hate technology. I'm pretty sure I lost a little credibility when my students could hear me say "oh crap" from behind the giant multimedia tower.
I digress. Back to the Freshmen.
They come in all shapes and sizes...some of them look like models and movie stars and have more outward sophistication than I could ever hope to have. Some of the girls are coiffed, gelled, teased and blow dried into perfection with designer name short shorts and mile long legs. Some of them are chubby and pierced and picked their clothes very carefully trying to look like they're not trying too hard. Some of the boys look like they're 15 years old with stress pimples, ball caps and shirts that they think are "cool" (have safe lunch...use condiments). Some of the guys make me feel like a dirty old women when I gawk because, dear sweet lord they didn't make'em like that when i was 18!! Clearly they spend more time in the gym than those of my generation. They are SO excited to see someone that they know in their classes or to hear the name of a town that's somewhere close to their hometown.
Some of them are very clearly used to being the smart kid with the tough academic schedule. They think their arts and humanities and literature classes are going to be too easy of a schedule and they think they should only be in organic chem, immunology and microphysicalbioastronautology. Then there are some that are just overwhelmed by the new-ness of it all and are filing into my office panicking afraid they wont succeed.
I love my job :-)
I made them do an ice breaker where they had to stand up and introduce themselves and answer a question from my zobmondo question book.
how would you have answered?
would you rather be clumsy or forgetful?
would you rather lick under the fridge or under the toilet?
would you rather drink a gallon of hot dog water or a shot of foot sweat?
would you rather be abducted by aliens frequently and have no proof or have your best friend be invisible?
would you rather eat a teaspoonful of wasabi or crushed red pepper?
PS. the picture is from the presidents convocation in St.John's the old basketball arena.
we're a month into school out here. today my Gator was home sick. I think it's his 3rd day of missing school due to illness ever. I was wiped out from being up with him late late late. Throwing up is the worst.
Your students are so lucky to have a teacher like you. It's just a bummer that so many of them won't ever actually realize that...or they may realize it in hindsight. Teachers who care change the world.
Cheers to you and Here's to a great year!
ha love, LOVE those questions you choose for introductions!! You sound like a great teacher!
awww, makes me a little nostalgic for the buckeye days. your students are totally lucky to have you, just like i was lucky to have you as an RA!
here would be my answers:
-would you rather be clumsy or forgetful?
clumsy, because i think forgetfulness might have some more severe consequences.
-would you rather lick under the fridge or under the toilet?
do you me like under the bowl of the toilet?? or under the seat? i think under the bowl of the toilet there's less chance of nastiness accumulated on it....
-would you rather drink a gallon of hot dog water or a shot of foot sweat? shot of foot sweat.. goes down faster
-would you rather be abducted by aliens frequently and have no proof or have your best friend be invisible? i think i would like a visible best friend..
-would you rather eat a teaspoonful of wasabi or crushed red pepper? either would be fine, i like spicy!
trust me, i looked for vet tech jobs. :) although i'm not sure how well i would have done with those jobs either...
it has definitely been an interesting experience so far...i don't think i realized how much of a germophobe i was until i got around these little kids.
5.5 hours today and i came home ready for bed. i told b this might be the end of my desire to have kids of my own...
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