Friday, March 13, 2009


i'm not really starving. but oh my gosh am i hungry. we are going on a staff lunch and we have to wait til 130 and my tummy says feed me now! i have no students til 330 so nothing to take my mind off of fooooooooooooood. it doesn't help that the restaurant has a menu online and i'm drooling over my choices of mexican food.

nom nom nom.

home to dayton this weekend for "easter dinner" since my parents are going to be out of town on "real easter."

got my hair cut yesterday....people are SO complimentary about it...I'm thinking that's a good sign but ama little worried about how it used to look!

1 comment:

Lump said...

you said mexican food?? yep, i need some right now.

i want to see the new haircut! :)


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