Tuesday, October 14, 2008

amazing idea!

So, consider me shallow...but I get really excited when I see that someone has taken the time to read my blog and leave me a comment. I love posting, just as a way to get what I'm thinking out there, no matter how trivial or mundane but it's even more fun when you get a comment back that says "Me TOO!!!" or "YES! I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!"

I have been wondering how all these amazing people whose blogs I read get comments from all over the world. I'll be honest, I was a little jealous. And then one of my favorite bloggers Beautifully Imperfect posted this blog about The Secret's In The Sauce.

A whole new world opened right before my eyes! A blog to blog about! WOW!

Since I only discovered SITS today, I can really only say that I have read Imperfect's blog. So I shall tell you what I think of hers....

I love to read her blog because she is such a gentle person. You can just tell that she's one of those people who makes others smile because she's always trying to do good. She is SO in love with her new husband, which I appreciate very much because I absolutely Love love. Nothing makes me happier than hearing about people's love for another person. I enjoy seeing her decorating ideas come to life and listening to her ideas on Faith and Christianity.

So anyway, if you haven't found SITS, I hope that you do! It seems pretty cool!

Thanks Imperfect!


Unknown said...

Hope you are enjoying the Blogathon today! Welcome to the Sista-hood! Off to snoop around!

Jen said...

I found you through the SITS blogathon. Good luck today! :) I like your blog

Jen Sue Wild said...

Rocken Fun Blog happy Blogthon!!!

Kristen said...

awww...thanks! I admit it, I'm a sappy person and lately I can cry on a dime. But seriously, your sweet words made me a little teary. I am so glad that I've met you here in bloggy world. I will echo the American in Norway--welcome to the SITStahood

Kori said...

Happy Blogathon Day!

Jen said...

your comment just cracked me up! We may just be long lost "Sisters" hahahaha!! We will have to keep in touch now! :)

My farm doesnt grow much more than horses either. Other than the random animals that roam this place. We feed everything...

Oh wait, hubby would kick my butey, we do have a garden. heh!

TisforTonya said...

see, you're not the only comment junkie out there... nothing makes me sadder than a post of mine getting just one or two comments...

Blue said...

i just typed you a long comment ann...and when i clicked publish, it took a little while to go through, and then i got a page error, and when I came back to this page it was gone. All Gone!


in a nutshell, i've been bloggging for 3.5 years (i started with a different blog than the one you read), and till the last couple months, most posts got no comments, and a "whopper" day brought in 3.

None of the people I'm closest to in real life even read my blog (or any blogs...it's not personal. well, i take that back. Doc reads it, but he has a no comment policy). So it's been such a delight for the few cyber BFFs i've made to stumble upon it and befriend me. It means a lot.

Here's to friends and strangers who comment! Thanks for the feedback and validation!

Meridith said...

Hey! I'm new to SITs and having a ball with this blog-a-thon!!

Off to check out your blog!!

Elisabeth said...

Hi! Found you via SITS...going to go check out your blog!

Marrdy said...

Cute!! Happy SITS day!

Ronnica said...

Welcome to the SITStahood! I'm glad that our blogathon is bringing in fresh bloggers! You'll soon forget what it was like to blog WITHOUT SITS.

Anonymous said...

Hello from SITS! Hope you had a great blogathon day! And I'm so glad that there's another dog mommy out there!

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

Hey, Hope you had a Happy SITS day!

WheresMyAngels said...

I just read your comment on my blog about what kind of fish I have to eat 75 dollars worth of sea life. I forgot to link my fish post :( It is a Trigger fish, beautiful but now my tank is a mess. I should of bought another Lion fish as they only ate other fish and arrow crabs, they left the hermit and the snails alone.

Anonymous said...

I'm new to SITS too! But I was lame and didn't do a blog-a-thon post. Was too busy running around reading. I HAD to read yours, just based on the name of your blog, and I'm glad I did!


Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. Princess Diana

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