Thursday, October 16, 2008


Going to the pumpkin festival this evening!!!!!YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!

They have pumpkin everything.
Pumpkin burgerpumpkincheesecakepumpkinicecreampumpkinwafflespumpkindonutspumpkin!!!!

Where else can you see a 1500 pound pumpkin??

Can't wait to spend some time with P and walk through the streets people watching and enjoying togetherness. I will be exhausted tomorrow, but that's okay, it's FRIDAY!

I woke up last night to the wind blowing like something out of a Halloween movie. Our windows were open and it was chilly crisp. I snuggled back down in my blankets and hugged P tight. I love nights like that.

3 things:

the roof over my head
the roots i've planted
the dreams i have.


Kristen said...

I love pumpkins! And I love chilly nights. Snuggling is the best for sure. Thanks for the encouragement yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Sounds fun! Did they have pumpkin seeds? Yum!

Donn24g said...

aww I love this!! I got all warm and fuzzy inside:)

Anonymous said...

No! You are so lucky! ALF is back on tv there?!

Meaghan said...

I LOVE pumpkins! Now that I live in Florida I dont get to enjoy Fall as much as I did when in Mass. :(

by the way I launched my coffee site today, open and ready for orders :) If you want to check it out go to

Also, we are doing GIVEAWAYS for the rest of this month. To enter visit :)

Have an awesome weekend!


La Pixie said...

oohh, I love pumpkins!! my Boyfriend and I wanted to go to the pumpkin patch, too, but there are no extra dollars for that this year. I hope you enjoyed your visit!

Lump said...

oh yummy goodness. I do not like pumpkin pie, but I LOVE pumpkin everything! :)


Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. Princess Diana

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