Monday, January 12, 2009

picture tagged!? oh no!!!

Wolf has TERRIBLE timing.... P and I just got a new computer and I have not transferred all of my pictures over to it, so I'm doing this picture tag from work. Thus, I have a really poor selection of pictures on my computer....the 4th picture from the 4th album of my photo stash is....

drum roll....

more drums......

This picture was taken at Lake Codorous in Pennsylvania. We went there this past summer on a mini-vacation after we'd started our new jobs. It was the very first time that I have ever been camping, and the first time that we used the beautiful tent that the East Green staff from OU got us for our wedding.

Have I told you that story? It's pretty funny... you have to keep in mind that I worked for Residence Life at one of the historically liberal institutions in the state. That means, in short, that I was part of, and enjoyed working with some of the most diverse, open and accepting people in the world. We had all kinds of different people on staff. Gay, Lesbian, Transgender...Tatooed and bizarre, overweight, underweight,whatever, didn't matter, there was pretty much universal acceptance in our little cohort of staff members. Anyway, my best friend in Athens, the Cornelia Marie, and I were both on the same "Green" (how the department divided up the residence halls on campus.) There was West Green, South Green and then where we were, East Green. The Cornelia Marie had gotten engaged October 2005 in and I had gotten engaged in March of 2006. Through some weird coincidence, either our fiances have similar taste or Cornelia and I have similar taste and our respective fiances know us very well. Anyway, despite the time difference between when we got engaged, both our fiances picked out THE EXACT SAME ENGAGEMENT RING. Neither of us had any part in picking out the ring, we were both totally surprised (at seperate times) when we got the most beautiful ring in the world.

Anyway, Cornelia and I started being friends sometime after she got engaged and before I got engaged. Once I got engaged, she kicked up her wedding planning and we did alot of our planning together...shopped for dresses together, bitched and moaned and compared mothers together etc. We also decided on wedding dates very close together. Mine was November 11 and hers was Dec. 2 of 2006.

Long story short, apparently a lot of the student staff were aware that we were both getting married, and since our respective fiances were not part of the Residence Life department and were both very busy, hardly anyone had ever SEEN P or Cornelia's fiance D.

The East Green senior staff (the other hall directors and graduate students) threw us a surprise double wedding shower one morning when we were having a staff meeting. Cornelia and I walked into a room with fun party favors, streamers and all kinds of gag gifts. My amazing staff members had chipped in to get me the great tent that you see above in the picture, and they had gotten Cornelia a mountain bike so that she and D could go be sporty together.

The absolute BEST part of the wedding shower however, was the sign that one of the student workers had made...In giant block letters it said


Perhaps that was a sign that Cornelia and I were spending too much time together...or that maybe our fiances were anti-social and we needed to start introducing them to the world...or perhaps it was a sign that there are some really great students at Ohio University who believe that love can be between anyone, not just a man and a women....whatever it was,it is definitely a memory that will live forever.

****************** edit***********************

it's true, wolf does NOT have terrible timing. retelling that story made my day and made me smile :-) thanks wolf!

the cornelia marie and the time bandit...friends through stormy weather and leaky plumbing
that i've been priveleged to meet people who are so warm and accepting
that the roads werent bad on my drive to work.

1 comment:

Heather said...

haha! see, my timing isn't that bad! we got to hear a great story! :)


Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. Princess Diana

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